Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. It is a proven therapy that helps people reduce symptoms related to depression, trauma and PTSD, addictions, phobias, anxiety, panic attacks, chronic pain and more. Sound too good to be true? EMDR has a direct effect on the way the brain processes information, releasing emotional experiences that are ‘trapped’ in the nervous system. It involves focusing on a memory, felt sense, or other identified distress while also experiencing some sort of bilateral stimulation (most popularly thought of as eye movements). This type of therapy reduces the vividness and emotional impact of the things you present to treatment with. It is a well-researched and effective method, and research has shown that the success of EMDR takes half the time of traditional CBT treatment.
Although it is most widely known for being a trauma treatment EMDR treats many presenting problems and symptoms such as:
Anxiety, panic attacks, and phobias
Chronic Illness and medical issues
Depression and bipolar disorders
Dissociative disorders
Eating disorders
Grief and loss
Performance anxiety
Sexual assault
Sleep disturbance
Substance abuse and addition
Violence and abuse