Therapy For Perfectionist in Ohio

Tame Your Overachieving Tendencies and Conquer Burnout

You’ve climbed the mountain.

Now What?

As a driven professional you’ve achieved what others only dream of. But success comes at a price… perfectionism that’s never satisfied, a marriage strained by long hours and stress, work-life balance that feels like a distance myth, and complicated relationships with family and yourself.

You’re not alone. Many accomplished individuals like you- CEOs, doctors, lawyers, first responders, and more- face these challenges. It’s time to apply your determination to your personal well-being.

Perfectionism isn’t just about high standards- it’s a complex pattern of thought and behaviors that can significantly impact your professional and personal life. At the very least you can understand that you didn’t just wake up one day deciding to be a perfectionist.

For those that lean anxious, perfectionism often looks like: difficulty delegating tasks, procrastination due to fear of imperfect outcomes, overworking to meet unrealistic standards, all- or - nothing thinking, increased stress, projected frustrations (yes, it may show up as anger), or intense self criticism and feelings of inadequacy. Sound familiar? It is a vicious cycle.

Who can benefit:

  • Executives

  • Professional Athletes

  • Entrepreneurs and start up professionals

  • Anyone struggling with work related perfectionism and anxiety

You can’t carry it all.

Ever feel like you’re having a mental. breakdown like Freddy Prince Jr. did in this scene? Are you, now as an adult, seeing this visual metaphor depicting the inevitable imperfection of trying to be perfet. Is this an accurate representation of your life? Did you watch Encanto with your kids and resonate with the song “Surface Pressure”? Did those lines hit home? Shit never hit so hard. As the eldest and “responsible one”, who always seems to be running around puttering out the families fires and tends to be first to be looked to for solutions to problems, I see you.

We'll work together to:

- Identify and challenge perfectionistic thought patterns

- Develop self-compassion and realistic self-evaluation

- Learn to embrace "good enough" and celebrate progress

- Reduce anxiety and stress related to perfectionism

- Improve relationships strained by high expectations